Managed Hornetsecurity SAT-Portal
Fully secured
The Security Awareness Suite provides comprehensive security awareness training for your employees. Various automations in the form of the awareness engine and the spear phishing engine are used to control the training. In this way, employees are trained as needed to reliably recognize and effectively ward off cyber attacks - without administrators or CISOs having to familiarize themselves with the underlying psychology and didactics. The basis of the awareness training is a patented procedure for measuring the security behavior of all groups and users participating in the security awareness training. Based on the measured security behavior, the scientific key performance indicator Employee Security Index (ESI®) and the training KPI are calculated. The levels of spear phishing emails are based on standardized classifications: the higher the level, the higher the attacker's time investment. Like real attackers, they use potentially malicious links, fake login pages, macros, and encrypted file attachments. Spear phishing e-mails are sent at different levels of difficulty, in which, among other things, high-quality spear phishing is implemented with the simulation of fake internal e-mail traffic:
- Level 1: Mass Phishing
- Level 2: Targeted Phishing, also known as CEO Frauds
- Level 3: Spear Phishing using publicly available information about the company, for example from employer review portals
- Level 4: Spear Phishing related to the recipient's individual job position and department, emails from direct colleagues or superiors
More information can be found in the data sheet.